Hi Everybody,

I am using cairngorm and modules in my project.
I am having one module in which user list is showing according to
arraycollection of objects of type
"FamilyMember" or "FriendMember".
I am checking the type of that object inside module using is operator.

First time when with given arrayCollection of specific type it is working
well and fine.
when user switches to another module then  i am unloading the previous
module(in which user list was showing.)
again when user switch backs to this module everything is working except the
user list is not showing.

When i debug the application and cheked for the error then ,
where i am checking the object type using (myobject is
FamilyMember)operator is returning
whereas in arraycollection the type is shown correct ie "FamilyMember".

What is the problem....

i am really wondering what to do???

Any help will be appreciated...

Thanks and Regards,
Pravin G.Uttarwar,
Software Developer,
Perennial Systems.
Visit Us at:www.perennialsys.com
Mob. +919371288080

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