 > Hello,
 > This is a simple example of a VideoDisplay and veiwsource is available
 > for this application.
 > http://reenie.org/test/scrubTest/ScrubTest.html
 > The Hslider is being used as a scrubber to move the video playhead. It
 > works fine until I add the second panel, which is empty. Even then, it
 > works fine until you scroll the page up and down. Then the Hslider
 > moves to the top, and is not functional anymore.
 > What is causing this problem and how do I fix it ?

Apparently, it is some kind of bug with the control bar. When I take the 
Hslider out of the control bar, the problem goes away as in this example,


However, now I have another problem, the video in the second example is 
a youtube flv file  and it doesnt work with the scrubber. Any idea why ? 
Is there anyway around it ?

The scrubber shows progress, but now it is a continuous black line and 
you can't change the position. The Youtube video does has metadata and I 
can look at it , but I don't know what in particular to look for.

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