Hi all,

I am trying to override a default style that is being picked up on the
Alignment buttons in a Rich Text Editor in Flex 3.

We have a style defined for a TogglebuttonBar which is being used by
the AlignButtons togglebuttonbar in the RTE. However the default
TogglebuttonBar style is difficult to read on buttons this small so I
want to override it in the RTE with a custom one.

My problem is that there does not seem to be any CSS class or subclass
that I can define in my external CSS style sheet that the RTE will
automatically pick up (it just gets the default ToggleButtonBar style).

Has anybody done this previously and if so, how did you get it to
work? I'd prefer not to have to subclass the RTE with a custom
component if possible, I just need a way to force it to pick up a
style definition for these buttons.

Hoping someone can help,


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