What you're asking is doable, but you're definitinely going the wrong way
about it. Put the two vboxes in a canvas that doesn't have its height set,
and set the height on each vbox to 100%. Example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"; layout="absolute">

        import mx.controls.Button;
        import mx.core.Container;

        private var buttonCount:Number = 2;

        private function addTo(container : Container) : void
            var b : Button = new Button();
            b.label = "Button " + ++buttonCount;

        private function removeFrom(container : Container) : void
            container.removeChildAt(container.numChildren - 1);

    <mx:HBox top="5" horizontalCenter="0">
        <mx:Button label="Remove LHS" click="removeFrom(lhs)"/>
        <mx:Button label="Remove RHS" click="removeFrom(rhs)"/>

    <mx:Canvas borderColor="green" borderThickness="3" borderStyle="solid">

        <mx:VBox width="100" id="lhs" borderColor="blue" borderThickness="3"
borderStyle="solid" height="100%">
            <mx:Button label="Button 1" click="addTo(lhs)"/>

        <mx:VBox width="100" left="110" id="rhs" borderColor="red"
borderThickness="3" borderStyle="solid" height="100%">
            <mx:Button label="Button 2" click="addTo(rhs)"/>



On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 10:21 AM, tchredeemed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ok, I have two VBoxes, side by side, that need to both be the height
> of the biggest of the two (children added dynamically on show).
> I do it this way:
> leftVBox.minHeight = rightVBox.height;
> rightVBox.minHeight = leftVBox.height;
> (if this is a stupid way to do it, let me know).
> The problem is this.
> When I add the children, and switch view states, I remove the children.
> If I come back to that page, and add a different set of children, I
> only want them to be the biggest they have to be, but I cannot get
> them to resize back down to the right height, they hold the height of
> the biggest set of children that has been added since launch time.
> Any ideas?
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"Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee."

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