I have a popup window (a quick about win) and I am having an issue. How can
I add a bunch of text to the title windows content area. If I just add the
text it runs off the screen. I can set the width but that seems like a bit
of a hack to me. I know im probably just missing something dumb here.

            private function showAbout(event:MouseEvent):void {
                // the popup window
                _popup = new TitleWindow();
                _popup.title = "About this component";
                _popup.width = 400;
                _popup.height = 200;
                _popup.showCloseButton = true;

                var label:Label= new Label();
                label.text =
"*************************************************************" +
"*************************************************************" +
"*************************************************************" +
"*************************************************************" +

                _popup.autoLayout = true;


Thank You
Dan Vega

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