
If you were to start up your computer with the usb/parallel cable plugged in
and connected to a powered-up radio, and if you inspect the devices - what
drivers are there in the usb 2.0 category?  Do you see the same Cypress
driver that I am using?  

If the driver is absent, can you successfully configure it to use the
offered Cypress driver?

Assuming you can get to the point where the/a driver is configured, can you
then go into PowerSDR setup, confirm your intention of using USB, and
commence using the radio?  If not, what errors get reported?

Your situation sounds so similar to what I had initially that I'd still
suspect some sort of driver or setup issue.  Of course, having been through
the Software School of Hard Knocks, I learned quite a while ago that when we
set out to  resolve _the_ problem that is causing us grief, we shouldn't be
surprised to discover that there were in fact 2 or 3 or more problems;) I
hope this isn't so in your case.  Please report your findings so we can help
you get your radio operational - you have the immense knowledge base of this
fine reflector standing by!

Pete, N3EVL

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