

Well, I know that Phil N8VB is working with an Altera and from his previous post has a Xylo board. Phil – VK6APH has also purchased a Xylo board as have I. My knowledge is minimal however, the board was inexpensive and it would appear that this kit and the sample and supporting C and HDL code would form the basis for a great ‘glue’ chip for many projects which we have collectively discussed for the SDR-1000 over the past year. Phil is designing an entire SDR based on FPGA.


Early this year, we had 3 users interested in a PIC-4550 with USB, and we all bought boards, C-compilers, and protokits. but that project is stalled, for a number of reasons, none the least of which was a pretty buggy C compiler IDE from FED. Also streaming audio back through the USB port was a bit too slow in serial. A lack of good understanding of audio USB interface. Etc.


I think the primary excitement last February was the prospect of eliminating the need for a sound card. We did some research and rejected almost all Codec chips at the time, and found the very inexpensive  Wolfson 8785 ADC chip which has an I2S interface, for minimal parts and connections, 192, khz, 24 bit, stereo input, thd 102 SNR 111


They also have a nice DAC chip in the same type mold.


At the same time and after,  we have discussed a number of other projects which would be ideal  to nail into an embedded system.


High accuracy/stability time base using a 1 pps time source from GPS receiver.

Integrated full function Keyer with sidetone.

DDS replacement PLL or NCO.

TCP/IP for remoting of the SDR-1000

Replacing the switch functions on the PIO board over USB rather than parallel port.

External Main tuning knob(s) and other handy buttons for the folks who quiver and shake in “Knob Withdrawl!

Complete replacement of the PIO board.


I am sure I am forgetting things we discussed as potential for embedded system ‘assist’ for the SDR 1000, and haven’t thought of others.


I think a project like this needs both folks (as many as we can get) who have experience with this embedded system, taking the lead, or suggesting resources methodology and code. Then others willing to support and test code etc.


Thanks for speaking up! This is worthy of discussion.


Eric – AA4SW






From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Jeff Anderson
Sent: Saturday, November 19, 2005 3:54 PM
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Teamspeak Forum Audio - 11-19-05


Regarding Altera experience - I'm currently writing Verilog code for an Altera Cyclone II part (EP2C5) that, amongst other functions, interaces to some AKM stereo codecs.  


What's the planned Xylo project?


- Jeff, WA6AHL

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of ecellison
Sent: Friday, November 18, 2005 8:29 PM
Subject: [Flexradio] Teamspeak Forum Audio - 11-19-05

Folks (and Phil – N8VB)


Sorry have been falling down on the job! I will post last two weeks forum audio after tonights audio. Came back from Belize thinking I was still on vacation (smile). Actually with broken radio and broken computer. The computer has all my tools for doing just about everything. Got a bit Crushed in it’s Aria enclosure, on its way back from Belize and now has an intermittent, sudden shutdown problem!


In any case have fallen back to a laptop and installed the audio stuff I use for teamspeak.


Tonights audio:


Phil departing for South Australia (wherever that is! I thought he WAS in South Australia!!)…. Winked and blinked his green light, since he had to go. He has been working with the Xylo Altera FPGA board, and has gotten it interfaced with the Wolfson AD chip and configured. Next week he will be working on streaming stuff from the chip back through USB to the computer. Since he mentioned this project last week on the Teamspeak forum I have practically spent every spare minute reading about it. A perfect building block for the SDR, and many other things and CHEAP in this experimental implementation! He is asking that anyone with Altera – FPGA – HDL experience join up with (now us since I just ordered one)! Anyone with FPGA experience? This is it! If not just join in and learn.


Bob K5KDN has completely reworked the CAT command interface class structure he originally wrote. He will be adding additional CAT commands to the SDR for the new features which have been added.


Many other great conversations and some discussions about debug of the VAC.


Will post previous weeks audio tomorrow.


Teamspeak Audio:


I hope the audio is OK since I massaged it 2 times and a new mp3 editor replaced the original.





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