
I'll give it a runthrough and see what should be on a "little" board to isolate 
the big bad world from the delicate innards of the ULN 2003.  

What I did for X2-7 was put a diode cross the relay coil in my Drake L-4 amp as 
that coil puts out over 400 V on the back voltage.  The coil is driven by a 30 
VDC supply and draws 50 MA when the transmit line is grounded.

What else do people have in amps?  Control line specs?

I know there are already several widgit boxes on the market for the amp control 
interface.  We need to have the rest of the input/outputs protected and 
incorporate the amp control in one plugin.

73, Larry  K2LT
> From: "ecellison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 2005/11/20 Sun AM 01:59:34 WET
> To: <FlexRadio@flex-radio.biz>
> Subject: [Flexradio] RFC - Poor Man's Universal Controller Board
> Folks
> I think I blew the ULN 2003 open collector chip out of my radio during the
> Belize DXpedition by trying to connect a relay in an amplifier directly into
> the radio on x2-7 without any buffering. Perhaps a spike or surge. Dunno.
> But it brings back to mind a project I suggested to Tony - KB9YIG who has
> done a fantastic job designing and refining kits for the SDR-1000 and is
> currently totally immersed in the SoftRock40 SDR.
> At one time I had suggested a "Poor Man's UCB" to connect dedicated and open
> pins to the X2 15 pin connector. It was shelved and deemed not necessary
> since users can plug just about anything into the X2 connector and
> experiment.
> As a result of my experience, I'd like to 'throw' out an idea to create an
> inexpensive PC Board to protect the X2-7 output to control Amps etc, with a
> 5 v relay and provide jack for  a cold switch to ground for X2-10 PTT input.
> X2- pins 1 thru 6 could be brought out on a 6 or 10 pin Berg connector for
> readily available ribbon cables to interface the control lines to some
> external device, like a universal controller board or for experimentation by
> users in a breadboard. Having a little external board connected to the X2
> connector perhaps with opto isolators would be a lot cheaper than replacing
> the ULN - 2003!
> Anyone like to comment or tackle the design or parts for this board? Let's
> kick it around a little!
> Eric - AA4SW

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