Kurt Vangsness wrote:

Some of the forum posts are still available in Googles cache. If you enter the following search in google:

site:www.flex-radio.com  forum

I checked.  It's a very eclectic and random list.

The most important page I'd like is whichever one has the list of most recent CAT commands (or, maybe, just repost that here) plus a link the the web page on how to interface something other than the D44 (which requires nothing but a wire) to make the 2nd sound card enabled for digital modes. Something about a pot and a blocking capacitor.

I was able to find Tony's schematic for the linear, which might be more important given the Softrock developments than it was originally perhaps.

For sure, if you have a favored web page, google for it now, because a lot of stuff is already gone.

Larry  WO0Z

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