Thank you Robert for your explanation how it came to the limited gain. Never
mind we're all just human beings! You and all the others working on this
SDR-project are doing a great job.

Martin DL5YEJ

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Robert McGwier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Martin Hirsch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: <>
Sent: Thursday, December 08, 2005 9:51 PM
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] AGC an gain since V.1.4.5. prev 1

> Martin and all:
> The new agc is 3/4 implemented.  The "fast attack" portion is just a
> dummy calculation while I figure out why I cannot do what Phil says he
> did. ;-).  Since I put a dummy calculation in for my convenience when
> coding, I was a real dummy for not being more careful.  The dual track
> (fast and slow track) agc computes the MINIMUM of the two possible
> gains.  This allows the fast to attack quickly and then get out of the
> way and the slow agc takes over.   I have been unable to get this to
> work correctly (it sounds just awful).  So in my infinite wisdom I set
> the fast gain number to 3000.  So the applied gain is the MINIMUM of 68
> dB or the correctly computed gain.  Therefore, until the next release,
> the maximum gain is 68 dB.
> For those of you with the code,  in dttspagc.c,  where the fast gain is
> set to 3000,   set it to 3,000,000,000,0000 so it will well and truly be
> out of the way.
> My apologies for this stupid mistake.
> I am in Germany working on AMSAT issues for two weeks.  I will get back
> to the digital agc issue to try and achieve a complete and final
> resolution immediately upon my return.
> As a final remark,  we all hope coming into this project that we can
> learn something from it.  I have watched Eric slowly gain very good
> intuitive understanding for how things work.  He was dogged in testing
> this in my absence and discovered and fixed the bug.  I was completely
> befuddled until he figured it out.
> ;-)
> Bob
> N4HY
> Martin Hirsch wrote:
> >Since Power SDR V1.4.5 prev. 1 I don't get full gain when in receive-mode
> >even when I set the max-gain setting to 100dB. When no antenna is
> >there should be no '''AGC-Voltage''' so the receiver should work with
> >gain. The audible noise floor should be the same when fixed-gain and agc
> >max-gain are both set to the same value. This is the case for values up
> >70dB gain. AGC Max-gain-settings higher than 70dB have no influence on
> >gain (in fixed-gain-setting they have!).  I'm not happy with this new agc
> >because weak signals don't give same audio-out as stronger signals do
> >(nearly same audio levels is the task of a good agc). This was classes
> >better in Vesion 1.4.4
> >
> >Martin DL5YEJ
> >
> >
> >_______________________________________________
> >FlexRadio mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> -- 
> Laziness is the number one inspiration for ingenuity.  Guilty as charged!

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