

The gathering FPGA Xylo group is growing rapidly and as you probably have seen has a reflector, SVN, and Forum. Thanks to PhilH – VK6APH and PhilC – N8VB for sparking all this fun!


The development effort and objective is basically to create a stand alone product which replaces the need for a commercial sound card in the computer. However it can do more than that.

As we have discussed many times before regarding “External Knobs” , “Parallel cable replacement”, “Precision frequency standard” etc, this project can do many other things in conjunction with the SDR-1000.


The group is using the Xylo board from As of last night Jean had 5 or 6 Xylo’s left until February.


He is planning to offer a new board which is a Xylo clone and uses the same FPGA, but with the Ethernet and VGA connectors removed. The pins used for those connections brought out to a new header. This should be available late December for $99 without connectors. The product name will be Saxo.


Eric – AA4SW


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