
No you didn't miss. This was just for the Time Nuts! I punned it "It's about
time"... Most of the Time Nuts didn't attend. I am going to make it much
later Eastern time next time so Jim can get home in time to spend some time
on Teamspeak. I think that would be his first time. I didn't realize it but
we had a time conflict last night since the Rose Bowl committee picked our
time to have the game. 

Flex-Radio-Friends weekly teamspeak forum is same time same station on
Friday at 0100. 

See you next time.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 10:47 PM
To: Eric Ellison
Cc: FlexRadio@flex-radio.biz
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] DIP OCXO for SDR

I must have missed the change in schedule of the Teamspeak meeting, 
is this change permanent?

At 06:14 PM 1/5/2006, Eric Ellison wrote:
>Missed you on our Teamspeak session last night "It's about time"!
>Had a good discussion amongst a few people working on both the projects
>(Xylo) and Flex. Guess the fantastic Texas - USC entertainment got most
>Bob K5KDN is working on a Timebase board, chassis etc and has a Jupiter and
>nice 10 mhz Ovenized VCXO interfaced and building a board which will squat
>down on the DIP connector on the Jupiter.
>On the Xylo side Bill - KD5TFD published a picture of his breadboard of the
>Jupiter interfacing to the Xylo board, which will eventually pass
>frequency/phase information back to the PowerSDR software.
>I am looking for more information on anyone who has produced a complete
>circuit design published here several months ago by Tom Clark. Based on an
>original design by Tom van Baak and enhanced by Tom Clark.
>This is really an inspired design!
>PIC header is published here without permission, however, I did not note a
>copyright, and Tom made it available on the Forum several months ago.
>If it uses 10 MHZ this is the way to go!
>; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>; Title:
>;   10 MHz frequency divider
>; Function:
>;   This PIC 16c84 program is designed to divide a 10 MHz frequency
>;   source down to 1 Hz (1 PPS).
>;   Since several extra output pins are available the program creates
>;   a total of 9 square wave outputs -- one for each frequency decade
>;   from 100 kHz to 0.001 Hz (1000 s).
>;   A STOP input and a 1 PPS synchronization input are also provided.
>;   Raising the STOP input high stops and resets the divider. The
>;   divider resumes on the leading edge of the 1 PPS SYNC input. The
>;   1 PPS output will be synchronized to the 1 PPS SYNC input to less
>;   than 1.2 us (three PIC instructions at 10 MHz).
>;   The following chip schematic shows the assignment of each pin.
>;                        ------   ------
>;   100 kHz <-       RA2 |1    ---   18| RA1         -> Red LED
>; Green LED <-       RA3 |2          17| RA0         <= Stop input
>; 1PPS SYNC => T0CKI/RA4 |3          16| OSC1/CLKIN  <= 10 MHz input
>;    +5 VDC ->     /MCLR |4          15| OSC2/CLKOUT -- N/C
>;       GND ->       Vss |5   16C84  14| Vdd         <- +5 VDC
>;    10 kHz <-   INT/RB0 |6          13| RB7         -> 1000 s
>;     1 kHz <-       RB1 |7          12| RB6         -> 100 s
>;   100  Hz <-       RB2 |8          11| RB5         -> 10 s
>;    10  Hz <-       RB3 |9          10| RB4         -> 1 Hz / 1 PPS
>;                        ---------------
>; Implementation:
>;   To generate a 10 kHz square wave at 50% duty cycle an output pin
>;   must be flipped every 50 us (125 instructions at 10 MHz clock).
>;   This program does not use TMR0, the pre-scaler, or interrupts.
>;   Instead it relies on the fact that given an accurate 10 MHz clock
>;   each PIC instruction takes precisely 400 ns and the main loop has
>;   been designed to use exactly 125 instructions.
>;   The 100 kHz frequency (10 us period) is generated by setting an
>;   output pin on and off every 25 cycles. Since 25 is an odd number
>;   it is not possible for the PIC to generate this square wave with
>;   a 50% duty cycle. Instead a 20% duty cycle (5 cylcles on and 20
>;   cycles off) was chosen for this frequency output. A total of 5
>;   pairs of 100 kHz bit set/clear code are carefully interspersed
>;   within the 50 us main loop.
>;   Pins RA0 and RA4 are not used to drive a LED. RA4 is a Schmidt
>;   trigger input and O.C. output. It is used as the SYNC input.
>;   The data sheet says not to toggle RA0 under some conditions so
>;   it is used as the STOP input.
>; Version:
>;   1998-Aug-05, Version 4, tvb
>; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>; Using Microhip assembler.
>-----Original Message-----
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of John Ackermann N8UR
>Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 1:49 PM
>Cc: FlexRadio@flex-radio.biz
>Subject: Re: [Flexradio] DIP OCXO for SDR
>Great plan, John.  I only had access to the 5052A for a day, so was
>pretty limited in what I could do; it's great that you'll be able to
>carry things forward.
>The one addition I would suggest is that you duplicate the DDS output
>measurements using the 10MHz source as well as the VF oscillator.  That
>would add to my sketchy info about the effect of the multiplier on phase
>I was not happy with the results I got, I think due to the way I was
>coupling out of the DDS, which was essentially a x1 scope probe with
>less-than-perfect grounding.  After the fact, I redid the connection
>with a 50 ohm  series resistor at U1 pin 6 (actually, mounted into a via
>on that line) and a short piece of RG-174 feeding a buffer amplifier.  I
>think something like that will give better results.
>By the way -- I looked at the AD9854 data sheet and it includes several
>phase noise plots.  From those, you would gather that there is a cost in
>using the internal multiplier, but that it doesn't scale with DDS output
>frequency.  Also, from a quick read you could get the impression that
>the phase noise of the reference clock doesn't really matter (within
>reason, of course); they show the output phase noise plot without any
>reference to the noise of the clock.
> > This is cool.  It's great to be able to discuss the nuances of what
> > really goes on within our radios.  Spreading the word is a very good
> > thing.  I checked out John's(N8UR) web site and I'm inspired.  I have
> > an E5052A Signal Source Analyzer setting here and plan to make a few
> > measurements.
> >
> > Here's the plan so far:
> >
> >       i.      measure phase noise of a 10MHz crystal
> >                       (it will probably be limited by the E5052A)
> >       ii.     the 200MHz VF1611
> >       iii.  DDS output with VF1611 as the clock at:
> >                       1MHz
> >                       5MHz
> >                       10MHz
> >                       50MHz
> >
> > Anyone have any additional ideas?  I'm all ears.
> >
> > 73,
> > k2ox
> >
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: richard allen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2006 5:39 PM
> > To: John Ackermann N8UR
> > Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; FlexRadio@flex-radio.biz
> > Subject: Re: [Flexradio] DIP OCXO for SDR
> >
> > Gentlemen,
> >
> > The DDS does Direct Digital Synthesis hence the name.  It does not
> > divide
> > back to anything but runs an phase accumulation engine at 200 MHz (or
> > whatever
> > the clock rate) that produces output values to the dac at that rate.
> >
> > No division is performed.
> >
> > Richard W5SXD
> >
> > John Ackermann N8UR <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > (01/04/2006 16:09)
> >
> >
> >>[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >>
> >>>First of all, any osc multiplied up widens its sidebands
> >>>(phase noise) by the multiplication factor and the inverse is
> >>>also true. The DDS does a 20X to 200MHz and a divide by 20 to
> >>>get back to 10MHz.  I guess it's academic at this point how
> >>>much jitter is added by the DDS until someone measures it.
> >>
> >>You're only dividing back to 10MHz if that's the operating frequency.
> >>At higher operating frequencies, the division doesn't equal the
> >>multiplication (and of course, at lower ones it exceeds it).  Measuring
> >>the DDS output lets us see the phase noise where it counts, taking into
> >>account both multiplication and division, rather than just at the
> >>fundamental frequency of the reference.
> >>
> >>
> >>>Second, Rubidium standards are not intended to be used as local
> >>>oscillators. They have terrible phase noise.  They are intended
> >>>to be used in timekeeping.  It is their long term drift that
> >>>excels, not short term phase noise.
> >>
> >>Agreed in general -- though there's a wide difference in performance
> >>between different types of Rb; some use FM modulation of the xtal, which
> >>results in horrible phase noise, while others, like the 5065A, don't.
> >>My post wasn't suggesting that you use an Rb as the primary reference.
> >>However, the DDS output when driven by 10MHz shows the effect of the
> >>multiplication, which is all I was trying to do.  My web page also has a
> >>plot of the HP 5065A phase noise at 10MHz, so you can see the difference
> >>in noise between the raw and multiplied frequencies.
> >>
> >>John
> >>
> >>
> >>>http://www.febo.com/geekworks/sdr1k/sdr1k_phase/index.html has
> >>>screenshots that show the phase noise at the output of the DDS for the
> >>>standard 200MHz oscillator, and an HP Rubidium frequency standard at
> >>>10MHz multiplied by 20 in the DDS.  You can clearly see the phase-noise
> >>>hit caused by the multiplication.
> >>>
> >>>John
> >>>
> >>>_______________________________________________
> >>>FlexRadio mailing list
> >>>FlexRadio@flex-radio.biz
> >>>http://mail.flex-radio.biz/mailman/listinfo/flexradio_flex-radio.biz
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >>
> >>_______________________________________________
> >>FlexRadio mailing list
> >>FlexRadio@flex-radio.biz
> >>http://mail.flex-radio.biz/mailman/listinfo/flexradio_flex-radio.biz
> >
> >
> >
> >
>FlexRadio mailing list
>FlexRadio mailing list

Cecil Bayona

"I fail to see why doing the same thing over and over and getting the 
same results every time is insanity: I've almost proved it isn't; 
only a few more tests now and I'm sure results will differ this time ... " 

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