
In the near future, we will have an SVN server for the PowerSDR source.
This will allow public access to view each and every revision to all
source files (along with hopefully good notes about why the changes were
made).  I expect that this will help significantly with what you are
asking for.

On the other hand, the release notes are directed at our general
customer base and there was a conscious decision made to keep them
readable (to some degree) by non-developers.  For this reason, very
early on, we decided not to include which files changed per release

I think SVN is the answer here.  We will have to revisit what our
release notes will look like after we have the SVN server as it will not
help with non-developer customers.

Eric Wachsmann
FlexRadio Systems

> -----Original Message-----
> radio.biz] On Behalf Of Jim Lux
> Sent: Monday, February 06, 2006 4:31 PM
> To: FlexRadio@flex-radio.biz
> Subject: [Flexradio] suggestion for release notes
> It would be useful if the release notes/change log identified which
> modules
> changed, as well as just the change that was implemented.  And, if the
> module had a header that had the change log for that module, it would
> useful.
> release_notes.cs has lots of bug fixes described, but not in much
> detail.  Example:
> //v1.4.4 Released 07/??/05
> //
> //    Bug Fixes:
> //
> //    Issue:                  X2 TR Sequencing broken.
> //    Fix:                    The sequencing was broken with the
release of the
> new
> //                                    hardware code back in Beta
v1.3.3.  The X2
> pin 7 was
> //                                    not switching before the delay.
This has
> been
> //                                    addressed and is now working as
> //    Reported by:    W0VB
> //    Coded by:               KE5DTO
> BUT.. nowhere does it say which module was fixed.  Is this in
> or hardware_v2.cs?  And if so, which routine in hardware.cs?   just a
> extra words in the description of the fix can be very, very useful.
> If you're tinkering with some part of the codebase, and you want to
> if
> some change in a new beta drop is going to have an impact on what
> doing, it's nice to at least know that it might have an effect.
> Jim, W6RMK
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