"I kind of have to agree with Mike.  " should have read, "I kind of have
to agree with Ken"  My apologies to both Mike and Ken.  I didn't have my
secretary here to proof my prose.

73 de W4TME

Integrated Technical Services 

"You can't close the door when the walls cave in" --Robert Hunter

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of inspections
Sent: Friday, March 10, 2006 7:42 PM
To: FlexRadio@flex-radio.biz
Subject: [Flexradio] Excuse my ignorance but...

I've been reading the mail here for a while before deciding to buy the
SDR1K, and one thing puzzles me.
There is virtually no discussion on actual use of the radio, by that I
mean do any of you operate on air ?
All discussion is software related, which is after all what defines the
radio, but as someone who is a radio operator first, and antenna
experimenter second and computer literate about 15th on the list, there
is little to help someone like myself understand the operation of the
This isnt a negative comment as I'm sure this list is probably one at
the cutting edge of ham radio technology, but rather a request for
someone to post about actual use once in a while then I might understand
more than the 5% I do at present !!
Or is there another list that covers my queries ?
I suppose if I bought the SDR1K then I would learn as I went along, I'm
just concerned there may be too much to learn to actually use the radio
Keep up the good work, but remember not every Ham is a computer genius.
Some of us just like to operate the radio !!
73 de Keith  VK6XH

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