I'd like to comment (no flames) on a few of Lee's statements noted

Tim Ellison ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] )
Integrated Technical Services ( http://www.itsco.com )

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Pedlow, Lee
Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2006 2:11 PM
To: flexradio@flex-radio.biz
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Am I Missing Something? Or Is Everyone?

I think that Gerald's previous point (not the rant) and Jim's comment
some discussion.

The value and efficiency of the Flex product model is that there is
diverse peer review of each build posted.  This provides efficient
convergence on major bugs and also provides corner-case testing because
the diverse applications, host platforms, use cases, etc. that may
either be
undetected (test voids) or require a much higher test investment by flex
order to achieve the same level of test coverage.  This form of testing
actually very efficient because I'm sure Eric et al at flex have
tests used for build checking, while the ad-hoc community has just the
opposite.  These concurrent implementation of these two opposing test
philosophies mitigate systemic test voids (omissions or coverage gaps in
scripted environment) through the ad-hoc process, yet still has the
pragmatic coverage also necessary and lacking from the ad-hoc process.

[Tim Ellison] These statements could not be more true and it does
provide the basis for rapid test/debug/fix cycles.

There does need to be clear distinction between what is actually an
test and true beta, this is clear.
[Tim Ellison] And as Gerald has noted, the distinction is already there.
Betas are posted on the web site and Alphas are obtained from SVN.

Much of the angst and dissatisfaction
expressed on this very reflector is because users grabbed beta code with
high expectation of functionality that couldn't be met.  In many cases,
code wouldn't pass a rudimentary "smoke test" on a particular build
of a key flaw and required the rapid release of a subsequent revision.
That's truly alpha code - agreed.  However, isolating such builds to
development trees, web sites, etc. and requiring specialized tools to
the build is not the answer.  

[Tim Ellison] Why isn't it the answer?  The "specialized tools" you
mention are free and install in two minutes.  You can download the
/trunk/bin/release folder in seconds (a few minutes with dial up). You
do not have to create the build, the compiled executable is right there
in a folder for your consumption.  Point, click, run; it doesn't get any
simpler.  In making the Alpha code just a tad bit less convenient to
get, that would in essence help the development team.  If Eric has to
filter through 100 bug report daily from Alpha code users to filter out
the NABs or reports on features not 100% implemented, that is time
wasted from actually writing code or thinking up new wiz bang features.
I'd rather him spend his valuable time doing the later.  If anyone who
stumbles upon it can get what is basically non-tested, guaranteed to
have problems, can't support it product (remember PowerSDR is a Flex
product), then that defeats Gerald's goal of trying to change the untrue
perception that PowerSDR is not a mature and stable product, because
Alpha code IS and immature unstable product.

This defeats the beauty and value of the whole
ad-hoc testing arm and relegates flex to "big company" processes.  The
that alpha evaluators have to build the code creates a whole new set of
variables, problems, etc. that will obscure or at least delay discovery
actual application errors.

[Tim Ellison] This is not the case; you can get the alpha executable de
jour from without having to build any code.  I am running that
executable as I write this.

I would respectfully (and professionally) suggest a tiered process
from the existing website that offers formal releases (like today),
beta code (like today, but more solid release candidates, as Gerald
indicated) and "Build of the day" as finished .exes for alpha testing
with a click-box acknowledgement on download (like the GPL) that bugs
are to
be only posted to the bug tracking system and no comments or support
requests accepted on specific BOD releases on the reflector.

[Tim Ellison] In essence that exists today with the SVN tool without
having to agree to a usage policy for reporting problems.  

  This way everyone is informed, continues to have full unfettered
access to the flex applications at all points in its lifecycle without
onerous impediment
(tools, compilers, knowledge) to "just run the damn code" and yet the
unhappiness and delayed gratification encountered by newbies, neophytes
the nonadventurous can be avoided.

As indicated, Flex is facing the growing pains that every start-up goes
through.  Many software activities begin as grass roots efforts and as
become viable businesses, advancement of the business requires the
of processes and practices.  I think the suggestions made above resonate
with both Gerald's desires and Jim's very valid comments (be nice Jim).
Flame away.

Lee Pedlow NG6B
San Diego, CA

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jim Lux
Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2006 7:40 AM
Cc: flexradio@flex-radio.biz
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Am I Missing Something? Or Is Everyone?

At 05:55 AM 4/18/2006, Larry Loen wrote:


>And, in truth, _everyone_ already knows how to download a zip file or 
>even a self-unpacking .exe file.  Browsers are popular for a reason -- 
>people understand them.


>Is this all for some homely reason like the SVN repository and the flex

>web server are on different machines?  Requiring everyone to use SVN or

>CVS is, so far as I know, pretty unprecedented for an open source 
>project, especially one where most of the population aren't coders.
>  Almost everything I can think of in the open source world that really

>matters is available as "naked" RPMs or tarballs outside of the 
>repository proper (including, quite often, alpha/beta level code).

I suspect that *someone* could write a script to automate the process of
picking up a SVN tagged version and plunking it at a website for
The question is who is that *someone*.

I think, to a certain extent, we're in that classic situation of
that roll out a new clunky online timecard  application that adds an
hour a
week to every employee, so that one or two people (payroll clerks) can
a couple hours once a week.  SVN makes life much better for the
but harder for the consumers, who, as you say, prefer the "grab and
a .exe", even if there are potential problems with installing new over
mdb  migration, etc.

One idea might be to make a "installer program" that you'd install once,
that hides all the svn stuff, verifies that you have the right framework
dll files, fetching them if you don't, deals with migration of
and, most important, can uninstall older versions.

We're sort of treading new ground here.. there's a fair number of
technically literate sdr-1000 users out there who would like to
using the rapid turnover of development, but aren't interested in being
developers themselves (along with the hassles and investment of
that that requires).  This seems to be a very different model from most
purely software products, where you have "coders" and "users", and not


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