Sami Aintila wrote:

>I am seeing all kinds of nasty crud around DC, and so are many other
>SDR-1000 users. On some systems - maybe with some sound cards - maybe
>with better grounding - the problem is not very prominent. But for
>optimal (receiver) performance it's always safer to operate at some
>frequency offset instead of DC. (I haven't checked the source code
>lately so I'm not sure, but I think the current PowerSDR software
>actually uses "0 Hz IF" for TX.)

This corresponds to my experiences with three different sound cards and 
my SDR.  Keep in mind that whatever the defects of my particular 
receiver, it has an extensive practical lineage.

In addition to all my well-documented adventures with it on HF, recall 
that I originally purchased it from Terry, W0VB, who performed the first 
moonbounce QSO with it (and in circumstances that Terry considered very 
challenging in terms of beforehand preparation of that famous event).

So, whether mine is the best receiver that came off the line or not is 
kind of beside the point.  Even if it is a sample size of one (three if 
you count sound card _types_), it has certainly been well-proven in all 
respects.  In particular, much weak signal work has been done with it 
under a wide variety of conditions, geographies, and bands.

Yet, I see, visually, all kinds of noise "on the left" of the panadapter 
display under a variety of conditions.  Whatever the theory may say, my 
practical experience suggests that an offset from DC is a good idea.  I 
basically ignore whatever the last kilohertz or so of the panadapter 
says.  If I understand the display at all, it is very suggestive that 
Zero IF wouldn't be very successful compared to the actual implementation.

Larry  WO0Z

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