this is old news when running the Firebox :-)
Actually 0-latency operation is not dependent on running at 96 khz. I am 
running my system at 48 khz sampling using the stock Firebox firmware 
and new keyer code (external keyer not required). With the PreSonus set 
to 512 buffers and *2.5ms* latency there is absolutely *NO* delay! I can 
go as low as 2.0 ms latency while running the same buffer settings on 
this system without incurring ANY receive artifacts (3.2 Ghz P4-HT). The 
radio sidetone/monitor is perfectly in sync with the keyer sidetone and 
paddle actuation.
Saying that however, there are advantages to using an ext keyer to more 
precisely control the break-in action of the radio (for fast break-in 
operation), and first character attack and delay through the use of the 
PTT line.

Kirb - VE6IV

Eric Wachsmann wrote:
 > Let me give you the skinny right from the horses mouth. Here's what I 
did: I was using a laptop (P4 ~2GHz) with a >FireBox. I set the FireBox 
to 6ms on the FireBox control panel. This could probably go lower on a 
more powerful >machine. I then set the PowerSDR buffers to 512 for the 
Audio and DSP. I set the FireBox and PowerSDR to use >96kHz sampling 
rate. At this speed, our prospective customer was able to send 50WPM 
using the soundcard >monitor (not an external keyer). This is the first 
time that we have tried this experiment at high speed since we >added 
96kHz support. Previous attempts at this speed all led to us directing 
our customers to use external keyers >for high speed CW. The long and 
short of this is that with the right setup (small buffers, low latency, 
fast PC, etc), >high speed semi-break in CW is possible with the 
 >Eric Wachsmann FlexRadio Systems

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