I do not have an SDR-1000 (yet) but use my Delta 44 with MixW and a Ten 
Tec Pegasus with no problem on INS and OUTS 1 & 2.  In fact, I use 
inputs and outputs 3 & 4 separately (by loading an alternate patch bay 
scheme into the M-Audio Control Panel) when I employ the computer in my 
audio production studio.

For radio use with MixW, however:

1) Plug your transceiver's audio input and output cables into the Delta 
44 breakout box's INS and OUTS channels 1 &2 as appropriate.

2) go to Windows Control Panel "Sounds and Audio Devices" "Hardware" 
menu, click on the M-Audio Delta 44 sound card "Properties" tab (making 
sure the sound card is enabled), then "Audio Devices",  "M-Audio Delta 
44" and select  "Use audio features on this device".  

3) Back up to the "Properties" menu again, click on  "Mixer devices", 
click on M-Audio Delta 44 and select "Use mixer features on this 
device".  Click OK.

4) Back up to the big Windows Control Panel menu.  Find the "M-Audio 
Delta Audio" icon and click on it.  Click on "Patchbay/Router".  Select 
"Monitor Mixer" in the first column and "H/W In 1/2" in the second 
column and click "Done".  Close the Control Panel.

5) Open MixW, click on the "Configure" tab and select "Sound Device 
Settings". Select "Computer Soundcard", "Preferred Soundcard" and 
"Preferred Soundcard" in the three windows, top to bottom. Click OK and 
you're done. 

I use an iBox from Julius Jones, W2IHY to control my soundcard output to 
the transceiver (and provide isolation).  It works wonderfully.

Now, I realize that none of this may apply to the SDR-1000; that your 
configuration might be wholly different than the little Ten Tec's.  
However, I came up with this routine after I,too, experienced the same 
symptoms Douglas did while setting up MixW software. Maybe it'll help.



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