Something to contemplate for future incarnations is the ability to 
synchronize the audio streams (I/Q and/or baseband) from multiple radios, 
preferably on separate computers, but even on the same computer.

If one wants to do "interesting" things requiring coherent processing, like 
diversity combining or phased arrays, you need to be able to match up the 
received signal from one antenna/radio with others.

The reason I point this out is that a friend mentioned to me that while 
there are lots of flexible audio support packages out there (PortAudio, 
Jack, ALSA, etc.) not all of them offer the ability to synchronize to an 
accuracy of one sample.  In general, systems designed for multimedia (where 
you have to sync to video frames) are more likely to provide this, at least 
to milliseconds, although he was unsure if they were good to microseconds 
(i.e. 1 sample time at 96 ksps is about 10 microseconds).

There are, of course, issues when the sample streams have slightly 
different underlying rates (as, for instance, if you are combining streams 
from two different audio interfaces), but that's a lesser problem than just 
making sure the buffers are lined up (or that they have a fixed and 
knowable offset).

Or maybe this is something totally out of scope for PowerSDR and it's 

Jim, W6RMK

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