I've finally got my SDR1K working again after a 2 month break due to rf 
problems/ no time/ antennas stuffed etc !!
I still have a drama whereby it often doesnt actually receive unless I 
switch it off/on several times and go in and out of the software etc, 
like it has always had, but now it also shows the wrong signal on the 
wrong frequency. By that I mean I can be listening to an am station on 
720 khz and then tune up the freq by 2-3 mhz and still be receiving the 
am station , that one puzzles me. And I've given up on the USB adapter 
cable, just too unreliable.
However the reason for this email is I now use an NCS 3240 Multi 
switcher between my Heil HM10 and Heil iC pro headset and my SDR1K, 
Tentec OmniVI, Icom IC910 and Yeasu Ft 8900.
I decided the SDR would go through  a Behringher 802 mixer to play 
around with the audio.
I have the correct lead from the NCS to the mixer supplied by NCS , and 
made up a straight unbalanced mono 1/4" jack plug lead from the output 
of the mixer to the input of the Delta 44 breakout box input 3.
Both mic's work well with all the other radios, but so far I have no 
output from the SDR/Behringher combination, even after playing around 
with settings on the mixer and powersdr for hours !
I know there are those of you out there who have tried similar 
combinations and was wondering if anyone can advise me please ?
I really like my SDR1K , when it works, but for some reason it just 
seems to have a mind of its own!!
BTW I am now running SVN681 and this seems to be the most success I've 
ever had.
Since I bought the radio in Feb this year I've managed only 2 qso's 
without things tripping, dropping out  or switching off on their own, 
mostly due to a poor earth system which has now been rectified.
I wish it would work reliably, or I could find out what I'm doing wrong 
, which is more likely !!
Thanks folks
73 de Keith  VK6XH

Keith Bainbridge
Air Receiver Inspection Services

Unfired Pressure Vessel Inspections
Worksafe WA Vessel Registrations.
Safety Relief Valve Repairs.

Mob:         0419 901 539
Fax:           08 9379 3423
A/Hours   08 9279 4923

Email        [EMAIL PROTECTED]

My career goal is to retire.........

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