J. Crit Harley, MD, C.Ht. wrote:

>2.  The parallel port connection is not working at all.  Some setting 
>must be wrong.
>        * I did connect up my printer and it printed a perfect test page.
>        * Computer says my printer is on LPT3and the  I/O are DF00, DF07
>          and DE00, DE07.
>              o I have choices on computer for Never allow interupts,
>                allow any interupts and try not to allow interupts.
>        * The SDR software says the LPT address is 378.  I have tried
>          the other options and none work.

The symptom you described here (for a separate card) is exactly like the 
problem I had.

If you go to setup (in all recent versions, I believe it is 
setup->hardware config), the default LPT port is 378.  This setting is 
active whenever "USB" is not checked.  Of course, USB should not be 
checked when you're using the PCI card.  You can use either one at 
different times (I have done it), you just have to get the settings right.

If you do the obvious thing and click on the port addresses drop down, 
you'll get a limited number of port addresses.  In 1.6.2, it shows 278, 
378, 3BC, B800, and BC00.

Not the right numbers for your PCI card?  Me neither.  Mine is 10d0.  In 
your case, I'd try out DE00 first and if that didn't work, DF00.

How to cope?  Well, it turns out, that some like other kinds of menu 
drop-downs, you can simply _type in the proper value_.  When you do 
this, it should work at once on receive at the very least.

(If this ability to type an actual value in at the drop down isn't in 
the manual, this little feature should be highlighted -- it's a good 
little bit of code, but IME, most drop downs don't let you add in values 
not on the list).

My PCI card printer port's properties (under device manager) also 
currently says "never use an interrupt" which I believe was the default. 
 Whether there is an advantage to changing this, I don't know.  But, 
this card has worked for me with these settings over many releases of 
the software.

Larry  WO0Z

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