> ZS6AVM Wrote:
> First of, thank you to all who replied to my posting regarding the high
> static levels, and the power-up issue
> The SDR was bought in around June 2006, so it should have the mods as
> suggested
> I'm not using USB, normal parallel cable
> I only have the 100W PA, no tuner, or transverter
> With rain static, the receiver looses sensitivity, goes deaf !
> The issue with powering-up the Console, which takes three (3) attempts,
> is basically the same as the high static level issue, the receiver goes
> deaf
> Many thanks
> Dave
> *******************************************************************************************************
I also have an intermitent  "receiver deaf" problem that looks similar, 
but in my case it is not related to static. It happens when changing the 
VFO frequency using "drag and drop" over the panadapter display and 
moving the mouse moderately fast.
When this deafening happens, I only see in the display the zero freq 
bump, and nothing else.
To return the radio to normal I have two ways:
a). Turn the console "power" button to standby and on again.
b). Changing the audio driver in the setup.  Maybe this internaly resets 
the radio.

Once the problem happens once, everytime you drag to tume the receiver 
enters in the deaf mode, unless you move the mouse very slow.  Reloading 
the computer usually clears the situation.

I cant´t relate the situation to anything but maybe it is triggered by 
power line disturbances when starting big motors nearby.

73 de Ignacio, EB4APL

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