Mike, do you have any nomenclature on these shielded cables you have
and where one might find some?  When I discovered the Ethernet was the
source of my noise, I thought about getting shielded cable, but we
decided to try wireless instead.  Solved one problem, created

I may have a brand new wireless network for sale!  Two PCI cards and
one for a Dell laptop, plus the wireless router.

On 12/24/06, Mike Naruta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've been replacing my Ethernet cables with shielded
> versions.  They're not always easy to find.  I haven't
> started wrapping the bridges and routers in foil yet.
> No wireless on my segment.  It's interesting when
> I bring someone's PC to my home to work on it.
> Lotsa wireless networks around that the PC wants to
> connect to.  I don't think that my neighbors would
> like it.
> Mike - AA8K
> A.R.S. - W5AMI wrote:
> > On 12/24/06, Bill Tracey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> If it is the wireless adapter, it is probably the device driver handling
> >> the radio on the wireless card  that is causing you grief - would suspect
> >> some of his interrupt handling is a bit too long for PowerSDR's needs.
> >> <snip>
> >
> > Thanks Bill.  Your suggestions sound good to me, and may be the only
> > solution.  I did have a cabled Ethernet here, but found it was a
> > little noise maker at certain intervals on all bands, so I got the
> > bright idea of going wireless which is supposed be be a lot less
> > noisy.  I think I may try to move the wireless router near my computer
> > and hook directly to the router with cable.  I do have an standard
> > Ethernet port on my PC.  The D-Link router does have four cable ports
> > in addition to the antennas for the wireless stations.
> >
> > 73
> > Brian / w5ami
> >

Suburbia is where the developer bulldozes out the trees, then names
the streets after them. - Bill Vaughan

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