
Nice to know I'm not alone. (Others have also contacted me privately with 
the same issue). Interesting is also that we are both using 3GHz Pentium 
Processors with 1GB of RAM and a Delta 44. Don't know if that is relevant, 
just an observation.

In the mean time I have done some more experimenting. First I started with a 
clean database, just to make sure I had the default settings. I then 
adjusted the Gate setting such that enviromental noise was blocked 
(around -23 here). As I was doing so, I immediately noticed that the moment 
the Gate is closed (blocks), CPU% increases. Without EQ on, the increase is 
small however, only some 5-10%.

The problem only occurs when both Gate and EQ are on and the Gate is closed 
(blocking environmental noise). The CPU% then jumps to 70-80%. Speaking in 
the mic, the Gate opens after a delay at best, but usually not at all. 
Sometimes, on the first over, everything will work OK, but on subsequent 
overs there is either a long delay or no audio transmission whatsoever. All 
information before the Gate opens is lost. Once (and if) the Gate is open 
due to audio in the mic, CPU% immediately drops to the usual 20% or so on 
transmission. The closed Gate (in conjunction with the EQ) seems to cause 
the problem.

The problem occurs in both 1.8.0 and 1.9.0SVN821. Adjusting the audio and 
especially the DSP buffers makes a difference. Lowering the DSP buffer from 
4096 to 1024 cuts the first syllable as opposed to no audio getting through 
at all (monitoring with a secind receiver). Without EQ on, the Gate will 
open immediately no matter what the buffer settings and all of the audio 
gets through to to the second receiver.

My process priority is High. Adjusting this down makes no difference (as I 
would expect). I have not tried the Real Time setting yet.

Hope this helps resolve the issue, or helps someone point out what I need to 
adjust to make Gate and EQ work together.

73 de Joe - AB1DO

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Edwin Marzan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <FlexRadio@flex-radio.biz>
Sent: Monday, January 08, 2007 13:58
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Transmit euqalizer + Gate causes lock-up in SVN821

> Joe,
> Using the official latest realease 1.8.0, when I use the equalizer and the 
> noise gate I notice that CPU cycles shoot up and PowerSDR slows down 
> dramatically. The ptt is sluggish in both directions. Turn off the noise 
> gate and the response is back to its normal zippy self.
> I'm using an HP Media Center PC with 3.0Gig Pentium Processor, a gig of 
> RAM and a Delta 44 Sound Card. Our symptoms are not exactly the same but 
> there is definitely something going on that puts a drain on our systems 
> when the equalizer and noise gate are used together.
> Edwin Marzan

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