
Hmm, the mystery remains then... There must be something about a 
setting/combination of settings or a certain system configuration that 
creates the increase of CPU% that I and some others are seeing, but not 
everyone, as you just confirmed.

Thanks for the report,
73 de Joe - AB1DO

----- Original Message ----- 
To: "Flex-radio Reflector" <flexradio@flex-radio.biz>
Sent: Monday, January 08, 2007 19:18
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Transmit euqalizer + Gate causes lock-up in 
SVN821The problem only occurs when both Gate and EQ are on and the Gate is 

> "The problem only occurs when both Gate and EQ are on and the Gate is 
> closed
> (blocking environmental noise). The CPU% then jumps to 70-80%. Speaking in
> the mic, the Gate opens after a delay at best, but usually not at all.
> Sometimes, on the first over, everything will work OK, but on subsequent
> overs there is either a long delay or no audio transmission whatsoever. 
> All
> information before the Gate opens is lost. Once (and if) the Gate is open
> due to audio in the mic, CPU% immediately drops to the usual 20% or so on
> transmission. The closed Gate (in conjunction with the EQ) seems to cause
> the problem."
> I run my SDR1000 in SSB mode with the TX Equalizer active and the Noise 
> Gate
> active along with the 160Hz notch. I cannot duplicate your difficulty 
> here.
> I checked my CPU usage and the maximum I saw was 10% and it very quickly
> settled back to its more normal range of 3 - 5%.  I am using a dual core 
> 6800 + 1.2Ghz machine. Anything but a power house these days. The VOX
> triggers well, and SSB operation is "normal". Iam running version 1.9.0 
> and
> I believe the latest SVN. The amount of CPU usage you report is much 
> hihger
> than I experience. While doing the test I had Outlook, SDR1000 console,
> CWGet, and ACLOG 3.0 running. I am running Windows XP Service pack 2 and
> have made no optimization changes, it is pure virgin XP.
> 73 Jim, W4ATK

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