you'll have the same trouble using either DeOxit red or Gold on the 
stainless-steel mini-plug [HOSA]. I tried them all. In order to 
eliminate the oxidation that occurs over time between the plug and jack 
you'd be best advised to re-terminate the cables with 3.5mm gold-plated 
plugs. I have done this and its completely eliminated the connector 
interface problem. As well I've found that a very very light coating of 
DeOxit ProGold contact conditioner on these radio jacks removes the the 
previous grudge and keeps them functioning 100% with the  gold connectors.
Best 73,

Kirb - VE6IV


ZS6AVM Wrote :

Thanks so much for all the responses
I will see if I can find the recommended contact cleaner
"DetoxIT/Progold" locally, or perhaps something similar
I'm of the opinion that the poor contact may be as a result of
oxidization as the SDR and audio cables are not ever moved, and the
cables therefore are not tampered with
Hopefully I'll find the "DetoxIT/Progold" out here, and if so will give
that a try, before resorting to more drastic measured

Best regards


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