I had the same result with installing MDAC 2.8
Klaus, DK7XL
 "Van de Velde Eddy" <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:
> Ray,
> The read only box was not checked in the mbd files.
> I downloaded MDAC 2.8 from Windows and tried to install it. This results in 
> an error "This version is incompatibel with Windows XP SP2. All facilities 
> of this software are curently used by this version of Windows.
> Uninstall and install PowerSDR Data Import Utility again does not fix the 
> problem. Again receiving "Run-time error 424"
> Eddy ON5UQ.
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Ray Andrews" <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <mailto:flexradio@flex-radio.biz>
> Sent: Sunday, January 21, 2007 3:16 AM
> Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Error importing Region1bandText.mbd
> > Tim,
> >
> > As a sanity check, I just downloaded the Region1BandText.mdb file from the 
> > KB article & imported it into a copy of my PowerSDR.mdb file.  It worked 
> > correctly.  Therefore, I suspect that one of the supporting files did not 
> > load/register correctly on Eddy's computer.  This version of the program 
> > was written in Visual Basic 6 with ADO version 2.8 & ADOX 2.8.
> >
> > Eddy,
> >
> > You can go to the Microsoft website & download Microsoft Data Access 
> > Components (MDAC) version 2.8, & install them.  The file should be named 
> > MDAC_TYP.EXE.  Running this file will make certain that you have the 
> > correct version of the data access files.
> >
> >
> > WAIT........HOLD THE PHONE!!!!!
> >
> > Before finishing this e-mail, I decided to try to break the program by 
> > doing various things to the destination database.  My error checking 
> > caught most of the conditions that I tried except.......I was able to 
> > duplicate the problem by setting the read-only flag on the destination 
> > database.  Eddy, look at the properties of the PowerSDR.mdb file that you 
> > are trying to import the table into and make certain that the Read-Only 
> > box is NOT checked.
> >
> > 73, Ray, K9DUR
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