
I have the SDR and MixW both working fine in semi-auto break-in.  The 
only annoying thing is that when I want to transmit, I need to 
manually push the PTT in MixW or else send it the TX macro.  That 
puts the MixW in TX, but the SDR and mixw screen still display 
signals.  MixW however, does not decode characters.  When I send a 
character, MixW transmits the character and sends the PTT.  SDR goes 
into semi-auto and sends the character when received from MixW.  When 
I stop sending characters, Mixw drops the PTT and the SDR and MixW 
goes to receive after a settable delay.  MixW will not start decoding 
characters until I put it back in RX, either by a macro or manually.

Is there any way I can get MixW to decode when not in the TX mode but 
not actually transmitting, in other words, to go into full QSK or 
even semi-auto break-in, without putting the MixW engine back in RX?

73,  Chas W1CG

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