Ok, making progress,  I found it in the manual.  If in USB, which 
signal below the carrier?  I have a bunch of them.  No setting on the 
transmit rejection makes any difference that I can tell.  I do think 
it works because I tried it using a spectrum analyzer earlier when my 
spectrum analyzer was working.  I'm using a K2, and the S meter does 
not have much resolution.

73,  Chas

At 10:40 AM 2/7/2007, you wrote:
>At 08:50 AM 2/7/2007, Charles Greene wrote:
>>I decided to use another receiver and perform the Transmit Image
>>Rejection.  I can't find any thing on transmit image rejection (enter
>>that in the knowledge base) or in the manual.  I need to know which
>>frequency to tune my second receiver to, if I am using 7.1 MHz as the
>>frequency.  What does "Enable TX Imag Tone" do?
>>73, Chas W1CG
>"When the Enable button is selected, and the radio is in (say) USB, 
>the MOX button will
>send a full strength tone through the DSP.  The power this tone 
>generates is controlled by the PWR setting on
>the front console.  If the radio is in USB, look at the signal BELOW 
>the carrier in either the spectrum analyzer
>or the second receiver.  Using these controls, null the signals 
>BELOW the carrier.   If PowerSDR is set to LSB,
>minimize the images above the carrier. "
>see p. 90,  SDR Operating Manual
>Chuck, AA5J

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