On 2/22/07, Jim Lux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 08:42 AM 2/22/2007, Frank Brickle wrote:
> >Jim Lux wrote:
> >
> > > And when will PowerSDR have the new dttsp v2.0 integrated?
> > > Does the Windows dttsp v2.0/PowerSDR v2.x still use PortAudio?
> >
> >That is entirely up to Flex.
> >
> >The development trunk now supports OSX and linux, and as a
> >consequence, FireWire, LAN/WAN distribution of compressed audio,
> >and quite a few other features that will require some gymnastics
> >to accommodate under XP or Vista.
> >
> >Since, alone of all the participants, Flex has a strong financial
> >stake in the Windows version, but has consistently punted on the
> >issue of supporting other platforms, I think it's their
> >responsibility and theirs alone to underwrite the modifications
> >necessary to support their chosen platform.
> Offhand, I suspect that the moderately large base of installed
> SDR1000 users have somewhat of a financial stake in a Windows
> version, as well.  (hmm.. 1000 users at $1500 investment each.. just
> $1.5 Million invested in what you imply is an orphan product that
> nobody cares about)
> Would flex care to comment on "the road ahead"?
> Jim, W6RMK

I really can't blame Flex for choosing Windows.  If you think the
support burden is bad with Windows, it would be a nightmare with
Linux.  You would have guys trying to get the software running in
who-knows-what Linux distro - heck it is bad enough getting it going
when you settle on one distro like Ubuntu.  It might not be as bad if
the Linux setup came pre-installed on a system from Flex or if Flex
integrates part of the processing on something like a mini-ITX system
running Linux that users hopefully would not have to touch.

Phil N8VB

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