Frank Mayer wrote:

> Larry,
> I have noticed the same thing here on and off.  It seems to be some 
> kind of issue in the communications line (Parallel port of SDR-1000 to 
> the computer).   Not everybody seems be experiencing it.  My switching 
> the preamp positions also will bring the receive back up.  Since I 
> have installed a good PCI parallel card in the computer I haven't had 
> any more issues.  I even had the issue using the USB-to-Parallel 
> cable.  Then I installed a USB hub in the computer and that made it 
> much better.  But this new parallel card seems to have done the trick 
> Larry.  I got it from TigerDirect for 14.99.  Here is the link:
> <>
> Frank

I'll keep it in mind.

I already have a customer PCI card, but maybe it's not as good as I think.

It isn't really a big issue for me, in the end, but I thought I'd 
mention it primarily because of at least the superficial similarity to 
the "Preamp" problem being still discussed.

Larry  WO0Z

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