On 4/6/07, Hugh Duff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That's the reassurance I was looking for.
> I was beginning to wonder if I should flog my SDR-1000 before the market
> is flooded by owners who want to upgrade to the 5000 and it be becomes
> "worthless" (I already see them hitting the swap shops), or if the value
> will be sustained due to demand for a cheaper version of the 5000.
> Either way, it sounds like my 1000 will not become a boat-anchor and
> will continue to be supported by Flex / Power SDR for a long time coming.
> About the 5000, can we assume that the basic RF sections will remain the
> same and that the major difference lies in the PC/sound card processing ?

It would be a huge mistake to assume that.  I am sure there have been
many improvements from the SDR-1000 design!

> 73 de Hugh VA3TO

73 Phil N8VB

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