
Probably a good judge of "performance" is to see what the top DXers 
and contesters are using.  There has been a preference for the Yaesu 
2K; its too early see where the 9K will come in.  It's no accident a 
current TEN TEC ad shows ON4UN with two Orion IIs. (Why two)?  I'm 
not sure where the "new" ICOM 7800 will come in.  Their addition of a 
6K roofing filter is of course an improvement over a 15K roofing 
filter, but still is way too inadequate.  In my opinion, there's too 
much placed on the ARRL/other specs causing transceivers to be 
designed to exceed competitors specs for no other reason.

Given an equal set of specs for the 5K to the best top-of-the 
transceiver, how many top DXers or contesters would use it?  It's 
also a matter of convenience, efficiency of operating and what you 
are used to.  You must admit, it takes a bit of practice getting used 
to the 1K.  I think it will take awhile for the concept to generally 
take hold.  In that context, I think Flex Radio is wise, while 
continuing to support the 1K, are discontinuing its sales.  Maybe 
some time in the future, they can come up with a cheaper, less 
capable model that corrects some of the deficiencies of the 1K, as a 
"starter" radio and that satisfies the SWL market.

Another item to consider.  Look at the IC7800; it has a keyboard and 
a monitor you can plug in.  The distinction between a software 
defined radio and a hardware radio is getting blurred. The biggest 
difference in my mind, is that all the high power processing, display 
and control capability of a SDR is in a relatively inexpensive 
hardware box that you can replace every two years and use to send 
e-mail to boot.  You don't need to replace expensive double precision 
64 bit one of a kind DSP hardware loaded with controls every few 
years to have the best.


At 05:42 PM 4/12/2007, Jim Lux wrote:
>At 01:30 PM 4/12/2007, Lee A Crocker wrote:
> >You know it's funny but I think it's a bargain at $2500  just based
> >on the specs in the add.   I already know what the SDR-1K will do
> >and what PowerSDR will do so all I have to do is speculate on what
> >systems MUST be there in order to meet the features provided in the
> >add copy and I see an overall fantastic value.  I may not know the
> >exact particulars but I can tell enough to be very excited about
> >this radio at this price point.  I presume the exact particulars
> >will be released as soon as Flex is satisfied with their validity.
> >
> >Icom for example claims +40dB on their intercept point for the
> >IC-7800.  That number is really a fabrication and is arrived at by
> >gaming the ARRL testing methodology.
>QEX has run a series over the past 3 issues discussing just such things.
>The problem of testing modern multichannel radios with signal
>processing is an issue is faced by more than just amateurs.  Properly
>specifying and testing amplifiers for modulations such as COFDM
>(especially when the amplifier isn't being run in linear mode and is
>deliberately run with some clipping for improved efficiency) is quite
>a challenge.  Simple multi tone measurements, while easy to implement
>with 1940s technology, and adequately characterizing systems of that
>era, aren't necessarily appropriate for modern systems.  This has
>been a problem as far back as carrier telephony.
>For that matter, "harmonic distortion" or "third order IM" are based
>on a fairly simple model of deviation from linearity (i.e. a cubic
>term instead of purely linear).  That's a good conceptual model for a
>continuous system but not for one that is "discrete" (like one that
>uses sampling, either in time or amplitude)
>There's a variety of newer (and some not so new) techniques, such as
>putting in a noise signal with a "notch" in it and seeing how much
>power shows up in the notch.  There's also clever schemes with
>moderately complex signals (trivially generatable digitally) that
>allow you to measure things like AM/PM, various distortions, etc.
>Such is life at the bleeding edge of technology.. but hey, that's
>what we're here for, "to advance the radio art"
>Jim, W6RMK
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