Brad --

There is a significant group of developers and users congregating around A lot of progress is being made.
It's not confined to Linux. The SDR and UI code is up and running on Linux,
Mac OSX, and FreeBSD.

The major hardware target is still the SDR-1000 right now, but SoftRocks
work too, and we're expecting to put a lot of work into supporting a full
range of HPSDR configurations.

Come check it out if you're curious.

73 and thanks

On 4/14/07, Brad A. Steffler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Frank,
> With the advent of Ubuntu Linux, as well as Fedora Core (and possible
> Knoppis and Xandros), I have been increasingly impressed with ease of use
> AND ease with which we may use the command line to modify the OS,
> especially Ubuntu.
> Do you know if Power SDR can be run under WINE, or Cedega, or Crossover
> (either Personal or Professional) in the interim between its Win XP
> only incarnation and a native Linux version? This assumes a Linux
> version is an eventuality.
> I think most amateurs fiercely resent the DRM intrusiveness of
> Microsoft's Vista.  I know I do.The future does appear very nice for us
> freedom
> loving hams. Just yesterday I read that the frame buffer(s) in AMD's new
> GPU will not be accessible outside the GPU.
> ( ). This is,
> apparently, a  device  to placate the "premium content providers"
> (read RIAA and MPIAA and their member businesses).  It also destroys one
> reason why we buy PC's in the first place - freedom of  flexibility.
> All of this is to say that I believe that Linux, and not MS Windows, is
> the wave of the future. In economic terms, MS and, now, AMD, are making
> it too costly for the average American to use their products, although
> this reality will probably take 1-2 more years to begin to sink in.
> This opens the door for a supplier of such freedom and flexibility to
> step in.
> If I am correct, the conclusions vis-a-vis Power SDR are obvious. Linux
> needs to be at the forefront as its home OS.
> Brad A. Steffler
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