I know in that test I had 2 masters (CPU's), and two HD connected 
together, with no problems, but on my Windows PC if you connect two 
masters, the Blue Screen of Death will hit in a second or two.

Windows does not seem to handle Firewire too well, I have terrible 
corruption problems when I would hook up a 2.5 TB array to it, I 
ended hooking it up to a Linux PC so I would stop the incessant file 
loss. All is not well in Billy land.

At 11:17 PM 4/14/2007, you wrote:
>I know the firewire will handle more than one thing the question is 
>can the same drivers be active at the same time and identify each 
>radio uniquely.  I'm sure it can be worked out.
>The firebox drivers are so anal that they won't even allow a firebox 
>card to be swapped out for another firebox card without uninstalling 
>and reinstalling the drivers.  Those drivers lock themselves to a 
>specific card.
>73  W9OY
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