
I looked at your picture and didn't see anything unusual.  Your power 
output should be flat over the audio spectrum range and then some.  I 
don't know what you are doing, but something is wrong. How are you 
measuring power?  The meters in the PSDR Console are useless for 
making peak power.  Get a good true reading peak power meter or an 
old scope.  I use a Autec WM-1 Computing meter and it does read true 
peak power; there are a very few others.  I heard someone mention a 
Dawai with two needles that is labeled peak power, but I have one and 
it does not read true peak power.  Set your power control at 100 and 
control the power with the TX gain.  TX gain setting is only 
relative; a lot of things can affect it so it is not a good measure 
of anything so the value of the external meter.  Test the power at 
100 watts very briefly.  Then adjust it for 30 to 35 watts.  You can 
run less, but more will put the final in danger of damage.


Chas W1CG

At 02:19 PM 6/4/2007, you wrote:
>FA-66 Sample Rate 192000 AND BUFFER of 2048
>VAC 4.6
>I'm still a tad worried that I'm driving this too hard in PSK mode
>In SSB I have it so it does not go too high.
>But it looks like I may be wrong here.
>10 meter PSK
>tx gain is -3
>this results in a power out of approx   18- 20 watts into a dummy load.
>about -6.6dBm
>I can lower the peak in the bandpass by lowering the TX Gain
>but at a substantial loss of output power.
>Almost exactly the same reading if in afsk rtty mode.
>so here's the picture
>Am I doing something wrong here?
>it worries me that the signal peak if off the scale.
>I'm not a complete idiot, some parts are missing!
>Bill H. in Chicagoland
>webcams at
>weather at
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