Jim Lux wrote:
> I think FedExKinkos has pricing that's kind of out of whack here. (And 
> it's well nigh impossible to figure out what the price is.. it's 
> certainly NOT on their website anywhere)
> Jim

What I'm trying to point out, here, is that "out of whack" is no 
surprise.  And, it only _starts_ with per page costs.

This seems to be a store-to-store kind of thing and even a 
person-to-person kind of thing.  At my Staples, the store manager 
enforces slightly different (and more economical) rules than the other 
employees do (apparently, their interpretation of what _his_ boss says 
is different than his).

Moreover, for small quantities of print (which is what my QSL card runs 
are these days), any "extras" can change everything.  So, it isn't all 
about the per page cost anyway.

Small runs are best done with local printers, so it happens that I know 
a lot about approaching them for either QSL cards or manuals.

In QSL cards, details like whether and how much they charge for card 
stock matters.  Paper stock charges can be surprisingly stiff.

Since (in the US) locally printed QSL cards are inevitably created by 
printing them four to a 8 1/2 by 11 inch sheet, the question of 
"cutting" them into the individual four cards arises.  Printers have 
wonderful (hydraulic?) machines that can cut through a huge stack of 
paper, and very neatly, but they charge for it.  I've paid anything from 
a flat four dollars to two dollars a cut (that's six to eight dollars, 
depending on the machine and my print run).  It's a vendor pricing 
difference -- the machine seems to be about the same.

Similarly, for printing a manual like the SDR 1000's, we'd be using 
"standard" 20 or 24 pound paper.  That, at least has always been free. 
But, you'll want a cover, won't you?  Be prepared for charges that are 
anywhere from reasonable to tremendous for that couple of sheets.

And, who knows what kinds of bindings are offered or at what prices?

Especially in a small print job (say, under 100 pages, certainly under 
50), such details can sometimes overwhelm the per-page costs.

My advise is to check out _all_ the details ahead of time before you 
submit for the print, even including strange seeming differences like 
how they deal with e-mail versus memory cards.  If it's "whacky", check 
alternatives or even call the next guy in the phone book.  Someone will 
be reasonable.

Larry  WO0Z

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