I am looking for some advice on LNA VHF preamps from the VHF+ gurus that
subscribe to the list.  I am not an EE nor do I even try to play one on
TV and I certainly didn't stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night, so I
am looking for some education on this subject.

I have been looking at several LNA designs (specifically for 6m) and it
seems that they come in several flavors.

1.) dual gate MOS FETs

2.) GaAs FETs

3.) bipolar transistors

One mfg. claims that the new "very low noise" dual gate MOS FETs have a
better noise figure than the GaAs FETs.  I have always heard that the
GaAs FETs were the way to go for the best noise figure, so I am confused
from the marketing hype.

I am looking to get a non-mast mounted preamp for 6 meters.  I have a
few transceivers that cover 6 meters, but are not the best for weak
signal work and need a little help. This could be a receive only device,
as that would be it's initial function, but I am not excluding mast
mounted ones either.

If anyone want to make a recommendation for a particular mfg. or kit,
that would be appreciated too.

-Tim, W4TME

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