I have used both AMD Athlon 64 X2 and the Intel Core 2 Duo ships in the
past few months.  Both have their advantages and disadvantage.  I found
that the Athlon 64 chips seemed to have a bit of a problem with Windows
and core context switching.  Using a real OS (*nix) this issue was
nonexistent.  There were several hacks that seemed to help.  I have no
actual experience with the new Turions or Opterons so I can't say if
this condition has been corrected or not.  If I was to get an AMD
processor today, I would use an ATI graphics processor since the AMD 690
ship set is optimized for that family of GPUs

I currently run a Core 2 Duo E6600on a ASUS mobo with the NVIDIA chip
set and NVIDIA graphics processor.  It is a screamer.  The Intel chip
sets are probably a bit more robust, but tend to be more conservative in
the performance arena.

The "chip race" is alive and well between the Intel and AMD (which is
great for the customer) as they go core crazy.  IMHO, it comes down to
cost (who really needs to pay the big $$ for a 48 core chip???), the
amount of L2 cache on the processor and the mobo chip set when all other
things are equal.

Now, I really need to stress the point that the difference I note above
are soooooooo miniscule that you will never notice them.  They are
really insignificant when it comes to running PowerSDR.  Either are a
good choice.

BTW, do not worry about heat dissipation.  Big fans are cheap.  As far
as EMI suppression, get a very good case with lots of steel (heavy) and
no plastic "see thru" sides.  I favor Antec in this arena.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Steve Kallal
Sent: Monday, July 02, 2007 11:54 PM
To: FlexRadio@flex-radio.biz
Subject: [Flexradio] Good motherboards???

I am ready to upgrade my system to a dual core processor. I have been
attracted to Asus based on some comments I've seen on this reflector. I
don't know whether to go with an Intel or AMD processor. I am inclined
to go for the Intel because someone said the Intel's run cooler than the
AMD's and use less  power. In fact the Intel Core 2 Duo is supposed to
use less power than my Pentium processor. I also wonder if less power
consumption also translates to less EMI/RFI. Are the power consumption
differences true? My source is a salesman.
The Asus motherboards I am looking at are P5B and the P5N-E. These are
for Intel processors. My main use is going to be the SDR-1000 and soon
the FLEX-5000A.
I welcome any comments pro or con.
Steve N6VL
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