We have just learned that Mike, KM0T has just set two new microwave distance 
records for 5.7 and 10 GHz using his SDR-1000!  This is a great accomplishment 
for Mike and the SDR-1000!  This isn't the first time Mike has used the 
SDR-1000 to provide him a significant advantage in VHF+ contesting.  In 
addition to slaying microwave distance records, he also dominates the ARRL UHF 
contest by taking 1st place for the past three years using a SDR-1000 
(coincidence? I think not!)

For more details on Mike's award winning accomplishments see the Flex-Radio web 
page http://www.flex-radio.com/

It is also worthwhile to visit Mike's SDR-1000 web page where he details many 
of his extensive modifications to his VHF+ software defined operating position. 

Congratulations Mike!

FRS KB Administrator

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