elan paim wrote:
> this is NOT  monies donated 
>   it is about support the product software and hard wear 
>   this it will be good to pay member ship on the web of FLEXRADIO in order to 
> support later development and like to be a member of the ARRL .
>   SO PLEASE Gerlad can set it then in the web of FLEXRADIO  I HOPE WE ALL 
> going to support it 100%

Leave the hardware out for a moment. Let's think about just the
software development. The cost of developing PowerSDR up to this
point is conservatively somewhere between $1.5 and $2 million.
That's a lowball estimate of the fair market value of the
person-hours put in so far.

The cost of the next generation of the software will probably be
at least double that, because it will be at least quadratically
more complex.

Forgive me for being skeptical, but I seriously doubt there's any
way to support an effort like that by subscription or donation,
either one. There's certainly no mechanism in place to do so, and
having such a mechanism all by itself will inflate the costs by
50% or so, at least.

On the other hand, if people are willing to show their support in
a tangible way, then there are places to direct that support that
will benefit us all, both directly and indirectly.


Managing developers is like herding cats.
Managing volunteer developers is like herding bats, in the dark.

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