
I had the same problem except on 20 meters.  I applied some RFI 
elimination fixes and the problem went away.

73,  Chas W1CG

At 06:52 PM 8/1/2007, Mark Amos wrote:
>I'm having a transmit problem with my SDR1000.
>Here's the lineup:
>SDR1000 with all the options (ATU, PA, RFE, transverter)
>Edirol FA66
>USB cable
>All audio lines isolated between computer, Edirol and the radio.
>Ferrite clamps on all of the audio and control cables.
>Radio gear, computer, tuner, etc. all connected to common shack ground.
>Palstar tuner
>Butternut vertical
>The problem is that on 40 Meters, when I key the transmitter, the 
>forward power goes up over 200 watts with any setting over
>10W "drive" setting.  At that point the SWR (as shown on the Palstar 
>and on PowerSDR) goes through the roof, and the power
>output from the Flex does as well.  It ONLY happens on 40 meters and 
>ONLY when connected to the antenna (i.e. there is no
>problem transmitting into a dummy load.)
>I substituted a dummy load at each location between the transmitter 
>and the antenna and thus ruled out issues with the coax,
>bulkhead feedthroughs, tuner, etc.
>So, it appears to be an antenna problem (perhaps a short or open 
>that only shows up at power above 10 watts...)
>What puzzles me is the SDR1000 cranking out such high power (as 
>reported by PowerSDR, the tuner and an in-line wattmeter) under
>a high SWR condition.  PowerSDR shows "High SWR" on the panadapter 
>display, but doesn't cut back the power.
>So, here's my question: would an RF feedback / antenna problem 
>account for this behavior?
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