Bob Tracy wrote:

> The code I'm playing with now runs a little differently, it interfaces
> directly with the radio API (whatever that turns out to be).  I have been
> using an API of my own design for testing in lieu of anything concrete from
> the Flex guys.  It probably will have to change given the use of MIDI (which
> I have not had a chance to investigate yet) in the latest software design.

BTW I'm very aware how unhappy some people can become in the
absence of a big book where all the subroutine call parameters and
data structure elements are laid out, page after page, in advance.
That's an unfortunate habit of mind that needs badly to be
surmounted in this environment. It's very important to get hold of
the idea that in principle there is *no way* to enumerate the
possible states in a system like this, even theoretically. (Yes, I
know, that's equivalent to saying the VR-SDR is nondeterministic,
and that's correct. That's because it can change over time
*without being restarted*.)

The fundamental notions in the whole VR-SDR system are, first,
that you *don't call subroutines*, you read and write messages to
ports; and second, *errors are not mistakes*, they're customary
and expected parts of system functioning. A priori there is no
difference between errors and innovative conditions.

In practical terms, what this means is that writing system
components is much simplified, because the *only* things a
component needs to know are the kinds of messages they will accept
and the kinds they can emit, using nothing more than elementary
I/O. For most functions the range of possibilities is very, very


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