Hey Kevin.

First off there are several Knowledge Base articles that you may want to look 







See my other comments in-line below


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kevin Gunning
Sent: Friday, October 12, 2007 8:38 PM
To: flexradio@flex-radio.biz
Subject: [Flexradio] Mic choice and Options/Accessories


I am awaiting my 5000A which should ship next week. In preparation I am 
finalizing what options I'll order from flex with the 5000A. I am confused 
about the Mic selection and accessories I'll need for the mic. Firstly, I am 
not very active on HF although I own a Kenwood 2000X. I listen a lot and hope 
to be more active in digital modes and voice in the future. I am not very 
familiar with Microphone technology and don't anticipate using fancy speech 
processing equipment.

[Tim] The first KB article has a good description of different microphone types.

I do however like to buy the best (budget and wife allowing) so I am focusing 
on the Heli PR 781. Seems like this is a good mic that would produce excellent 

[Tim] Heil makes a great set of microphones for professional and studio use.  
There are lots of others.  The 781 is a very good dynamic microphone.  I am 
using the Heil PR40 and like it very much, but it is a high end broadcast type 
dynamic microphone.  I do recommend a dynamic mic.  I have used several large 
diaphragm condenser mics and they are very good, but the are "hot" microphones 
and pick up a bit of background noise.

Microphone Questions:

1)      Assuming I order the Heli 781 from Flex, will I need the optional
$35 cable? I see it's a balanced mic with a 3 pin XLR connection. I also see 
the 5000A has a ¼" balanced input on the rear panel. The cable description on 
the flex ordering page describes the cable as ¼" but for the front panel 
connection. Is this an error?

[Tim] Good catch. Yes it is an error. The cable listed is for the rear balanced 
input connector.  The information was actually correct, but there was a problem 
when the HTML was generated to display the page.  I have it fixed now.  Thanks!

2)      I also have a question about the mount. It states an SM3 mount. I
assume I would need to purchase a stand that fits an SM3 from Heli or one of 
the other HAM stores. Any advice and confirmation on what I might need would be 

[Tim] The mic mount is a 5/8" - 27 threaded clip and fits most standard 
microphone stands.  I have a boom setup and it works well.  You can easily move 
it out of your way when you need to.  Desk stands work well too, but you have 
to be careful not to hit the table or it will cause unwanted noise.

3)      How is the PTT done with this mic? I assume it would be a GUI button
within the application but what if I want traditional PPT on the mic? I see a 
PTT jack on the rear panel so I assume I would need an additional foot switch 
or stand that has a switch.

[Tim] This mic has no PTT button.  You can use the software PTT, but I 
recommend a foot or hand switch connected to the RCA PTT connector on the back. 
 www.HeilSound.com sells both.

Do I need a 'supported' firewire card or can I simply buy a known brand name at 
the store? I might have to use a notebook to control the 5000A so I may need a 
PCMCIA/Cardbus unit. Anything I should avoid?

[Tim] You will get other opinions on this one.  I do not recommend Firewire 
cards using the VIA chip set.  You can review this Knowledge Base article for 
more information. http://kb.flex-radio.com/article.aspx?id=10250
I personally use only Firewire cards with the TI chip set.  The performance is 
good and it has great compatibility.  They are a bit more expensive, but I have 
never had a problem with any of the ones I have used.

Should I get a powerMate or Shuttle Pro. I know that this is a probable a 
personal preference. I am very familiar with using screen/mouse/keyboard but 
equally, I like my tuning knob. Any comments or suggestions welcome.

[Tim]  I have a PowerMate and used it for about 2 days.  You get so proficient 
using a mouse to tune (use a mouse with a scroll wheel) that the PowerMate, 
IMHO is a bit clumsy to use.  I still have it plugged in because it has this 
cool groovy blue LED on the bottom which makes a good mood lamp :-)  Other 
people can not do without them.  I thought I needed a knob (a neophyte, I was), 
but now knobs are passé.

Last question - How demanding is the Flex 5000A on the PC's sound card.

[Tim] The FLEX-500 does not use a sound card.  The ADC/DACs are integrated in 
the FLEX-5000

Again I may have to use a recent vintage HP  Core2Duo Model 6400 but I am sure 
the included sound subsystem is limited as it's really a business machine. 
Thoughts, recommendations?

[Tim] Since the soundcard is not used with the FLEX-5000 it will not be of any 
concern.  Your PC should do just fine.
I would like to get the second receiver for the 5000A but I know it's not 
available yet. Does anyone have an idea of the cost?

[Tim]  Good Question.  There are several hundred of us that would like to know 
that answer too :-)

Thanks to all and I look forward to giving back to the Flex community as my 
knowledge grows.

[Tim] Welcome to the club.  You are really going to like the FLEX-5000.


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