Here's the SDR5Ka setup
3.2 gig machine 6 gig of memory

Flex Radio Control panel
Clock Source > Internal
Sampling rate >192kHz

Enable WDM Audio is checked
Operation Mode > Safe Mode Level 1
Buffer Size in
Samples        > 1024  (control panel says minimum should be 1152)
but Operating manual says they should be the same and the setup doesn't
offer a 1152 option)

PWSDR Setup 1.10.3 SVN 1606 or SVN 1658
Audio Primary > Buffer 1024 and Sample rate is 192000

VAC VAC Setup Driver is MME
Buffer Size is 512 and Sample Rate is 12000

DSP Options  > Buffer is 4096 for both RX & TX

Have Cluster, Contest Program, Digital decoder, etc runnning and
CPU use is only above 25% when decoding digital modes.

I'm getting freeze ups.
not rfi related as it can happen when just monitoring
The receiver quits, no sound, cycle the Stop/Start button and all is back to 
Right now I'm cqing on 40 meters. Flex is set to 47 watts max, antenna is a 
dead flat swr 1.0

I can't make it stop, it's unpredictable.

Does anyone see where I can tweak this? Any ideas?
I never had this with the 1000, that was rock stable.

Don't jump on a man unless he is down.

Bill H. in Chicagoland
webcams at
weather at

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