On Dec 28, 2007 3:45 PM, Ed Russell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Jim,
> I think you have given an excellent and useful breakdown of what kind
> of things will be in the Core component.

Based on...what? Speaking here as one of the two sole authors of the Core
component, I'm wondering: where on earth are you getting this idea?
Furthermore what suggests to you that this bears any relationship to what's
currently under development?

> Even if a few additional tools are needed on the edges, a
> central widely available and known (hopefully RAD) development
> environment is, in my opinion, essential.

Have you actually looked at how the  DSP core is organized and built? It
differs not one iota from the conventional methodology used in the
overwhelming majority of Open Source/GPL projects.

Yipes, it's hard enough trying to explain what's actually going on, much
less having to deal with footless fantasies of things that will probably
never happen.

This whole line of discussion is only serving to confuse the issues, far as
I can see, and it's drifting quickly into a waste of precious development

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