On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 8:57 AM, Ray, K9DUR <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Remember that PowerSDR is open source and therefore completely in the
> public
> domain.  No theft there.

Open Source != Public Domain. This is a fundamental legal distinction that
often gets elided, and it's an important one to remember, as Broadcom, TiVO,
Verizon, SCO, and many others have discovered, to their detriment.

Programs issued under the GPL are still owned by the licensors and fully
protected by copyright law.

That said, it appears that the CloneMaster 1000 or whatever it's called can
use PowerSDR unmodified. That's entirely within the terms of the GPL. The
story doesn't end there, though.

I think they'll have their hands full trying to give customer support.
Nothing in the GPL says you have to provide support, *especially* to people
who aren't your own customers.

Meaning no disrespect to the individuals involved, but: heed well the
inexorable law of karma.


"This is the Voice of Moderation. I wouldn't go so far as to say we've
actually SEIZED the radio station . . . " -- Obsidian Wings
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