Another source of the chatter here is from guys
trying out the SVN beta versions.  The betas are
versions as the programmers work on them.  Sometimes
bugs show up, but after a bug report is filed on
the Flex-Radio web site, they jump on it and there
is usually a fix in the next beta.  I once saw a
CW keying issue show up, it was discovered and
reported, and it was fixed, and available for down
load in less than two hours!  Now, that is not
typical, but compare the Flex-Radio response to
problems with that of big manufacturers of ham gear.

You don't have to participate in the beta releases,
though it's a lot of fun playing with the new
features and hunting for bugs.

If I find an issue in a beta version, I just close
that window and click on a stable version and my
Flex-Radio works just fine.  It has revitalized
ham radio for me.  What fun!

Mike - AA8K

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