Sounds like a future feature request to me..
Jim, WD7R

-----Original Message-----
From: Philip Covington [] 
Sent: Friday, June 19, 2009 6:22 AM
To: Ray Andrews, K9DUR
Cc: Jim;
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] mobile sdr and a complete spectrum display

On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 9:04 AM, Ray Andrews, K9DUR<> wrote:

> Theoretically, if you had an A/D capable of a sampling rate of 40 MHz or
> a communications link with the bandwidth neseccary to handle the resulting
> data stream, and the CPU power required to process that 40 MHz bandwidth
> digital stream in real time, it would be possible to display the entire HF
> spectrum at one time.  Of course, you would also need a monitor a couple
> hundred feet wide to make the display useable....hi..hi.  Seriously, an
> with these capabilities would be prohibitively expensive, the required
> communications link does not exist with the current technologies available
> in the PC environment, and the processing power is also beyond the
> capabilities of PC-type computers.  But, theoretically, it is possible.
> 73, Ray, K9DUR

Actually this is not too difficult.  If you have an ADC capable of
digitizing 0-50 MHz, and enough RAM connected to it to store a block
of data, say 8192 samples, then it is possible to display any
bandwidth on the panadapter from 0 - 50 MHz.  This data needs to be
sent separately from the real time demodulated data stream, but since
an update rate of 20 - 30 frames per second is enough to make the
panadapter look "real time" to the human eye, the bandwidth required
to send this data is reduced by a very large amount.  You cannot
concatenate the 8192 sample blocks into a larger block to increase
spectral resolution, though, since only the samples in each block are
contiguous - from block to block they are not.  The spectral
resolution you get is dependent then on the storage size of the RAM
connected to the ADC.  You can apply averaging to the blocks though.
You can get much larger blocks by increasing the storage size of a
block.  This is how QS1R and SDRMAX2/3 are capable of displaying any
bandwidth from 0 - 50 MHz on the panadapter and switching between them
on the fly.

Phil Covington
Software Radio Laboratory LLC
Columbus, Ohio

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