At 12:08 10/19/2009, Michael Jones wrote:
there is not an answer to the question of how the MFJ unit compares to the PSDR NB button.

What everyone has been trying to tell you is that which facility works better DEPENDS on what problem you have (which you have not specified). Imagine that each person's noise is like a disease, but of course the diseases are all somewhat different, but they can fall in piles like high blood pressure, cancer, emphysema, obesity, hangnail, etc. You are asking: which medicine is best for sick people, aspirin or penicillin? Well, it depends on what disease they have, what other meds they are taking, allergies that might occur, susceptibility to side effects, etc.
You see how complex the question is???

Probably the best answer is: Try them both and pick the one (or both) that works best FOR YOU.,

Dave Gomberg, San Francisco   NE5EE     gomberg1 at wcf dot com
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